首都:維多利亞港 (Victoria)
ㅁ 公司名稱:英文,也可以中文名稱命名並載於公司註冊證書。
ㅁ 公司董事:必須委聘最少一名董事,個人、法人皆可。
ㅁ 公司股東:每間公司最少須有一名股東。
ㅁ 公司股本:無限制,不須驗資。
ㅁ 無須申報稅務及繳納任何稅項。
ㅁ 可使用中文公司名稱。
ㅁ 政府規費低廉,公司維持容易。
ㅁ 不需公開股東、董事資料。
Location: Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar
Area: 455 km square
Capital: Victoria
Population: 92,430 (July 2015 est.)
Official Languages: English, Seychellois Creole and French
Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands located in the South-Western Indian Ocean. Since independence in 1976, per capita output in this Indian Ocean archipelago has expanded to roughly seven times the pre-independence, near-subsistence level, moving the island into the upper-middle-income group of countries. In recent years, the government has encouraged foreign investment. The IMF declared that Seychelles had successfully transitioned to a market-based economy with full employment and a fiscal surplus in 2013.
There are two types of offshore companies available in Seychelles – the traditional, tax-free International Business Company and the low-tax Special License Company. With strong historical and business ties to both Western Europe and South Asia, Seychelles has emerged as the leading offshore tax haven in the Indian Ocean region.
Company Name: The name of an exempted company may be in a foreign language.
Director: The minimum number of directors required is one, which can be an individual or a corporate body.
Shareholder: The minimum number of shareholders required is one.
Share Capital: Not limited, and the capital are not required to be paid up and verified.
Foreign company names permitted.
Substantially lower government registration fees.
Double taxation treaties include China.
PRC Embassy in Seychelles assures document authentication.